Shoulder Pain Blog

Written By: Chloe Wilson BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Reviewed By: SPE Medical Review Board

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Smith's Fracture Of The Wrist: Causes & Treatment

smiths fracture wrist cast 485 opt may 24

A Smith's fracture is a break in the distal radius near the wrist, commonly caused by a fall on to a bent wrist. Find out about the causes and treatment options

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Ulnar Styloid Fracture: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

ulna styloid fracture pain 440 opt may 24

An ulnar styloid fracture is a common fracture causing pain on the pinky side of the wrist. We look at causes, symptoms & treatment for a broken ulnar styloid.

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Front Shoulder Pain: Causes & Treatment For Anterior Shoulder Pain

front shoulder pain 435 opt may 21

Front shoulder pain is a common problem that may come on suddenly or gradually. We look at the common causes of pain in front of the shoulder & how to treat them

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Upper Arm Pain: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

upper arm pain 410 opt sept 19

Upper arm pain may be caused by a problem in the soft tissues or bone, or indicate a heart or neural problem. Find out what causes pain in the upper arm

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Shoulder Pain Diagram: Diagnosis Chart - Shoulder Pain Exp

shoulder pain diagram 690 opt jan 22

Our Front Shoulder Pain Diagram and Back of Shoulder Pain Diagnosis Charts help you work out the cause of your shoulder pain. Covers all common shoulder problem

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Restless Arm Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

restless arm 380 opt sept 19

Restless arm syndrome causes abnormal movements and sensations in the arms. Find out about the common causes and symptoms as well as the best treatment options

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Swimmers Shoulder: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

swimmers shoulder 430 opt apr 22

Swimmers shoulder is the most common injury affecting swimmers. Swimming demands great strength, mobility and stability at the shoulder making it prone to injury

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Scapulothoracic Bursitis aka Snapping Scapula Syndrome

scapthor bursitis snap 400 opt sept 19

Scapulothoracic Bursitis causes pain, clicking and grinding at the shoulder blade. Find out about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options

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SLAP Tear: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment of Shoulder Labrum Tear

Slap tear 369 opt sept 19

A SLAP tear is caused by damage to the cartilage lining the shoulder joint. Find out about the different types of SLAP lesion, causes, symptoms & treatment

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Shoulder Fracture Causes & Treatment - Shoulder Pain Explained

proximal humerus shoulder fracture 420 opt apr 24

A shoulder fracture is where one or more of the shoulder bones is broken. We look at the different types of shoulder fracture & surgical/non-surgical treatment

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Arm & Shoulder Acne: Causes & Treatment - Shoulder Pain Explained

sh acne 420 opt sept 19

Everything you need to know about arm & shoulder acne - common causes, different types e.g. acne mechanica & the best treatment options for shoulder & arm acne

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Keratosis Pilaris Treatment, Causes & Symptoms

keratosis pil treat 420 opt sept 19

Keratosis pilaris treatment helps get rid of those annoying spots on the back of your arms and thighs. Learn about the best treatments for shoulder and arm acne

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Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

sh impingement 410 opt sept 19

Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common problem. Find out about the common causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options for rotator cuff impingement

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Frozen Shoulder Treatment, Symptoms & Prevention

frozen shoulder 330 opt aug 19

Frozen shoulder treatment aims to reduce the pain and restriction associated with adhesive capsulitis. Find out about causes, symptoms, treatment and recovery.

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Brachial Neuritis: Causes & Treatment for Parsonage Turner Syndrome

brachial neuritis 390 opt aug 19

Brachial neuritis causes intense shoulder pain and weakness. Find out about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for Parsonage Turner Syndrome.

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Page Last Updated: July 2nd, 2024
Next Review Due: July 2nd, 2026